Suburban R/C Barnstormers
SRCB Supported Flying Fields.

SRCB now offers two year 'round, FRIA-certified flying fields to expand our members' options! Optimize your R/C flying experience by fitting your aircraft and flying style to the field. For those who fly glow, gas or large electric powered planes your choice is our primary field, Pratt's Wayne Model Flight Field in Bartlett. You'll find us flying park flyers, powered gliders and discus launch gliders at our secondary field, Kress Creek Farms Park in West Chicago (called "Manville Oaks" for historical reasons).

There are several other open parks and local park district fyling fields in the area. Ask around at a to see where other members regularly fly.


This is SRCB's "official" field. Working in conjunction with the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County SRCB has created a space for flying some of your biggest, fastest, and highest performance models. The paved runway is paralleled by six fence-protected pilot's stations. There is a portable toilet facility, some picnic tables for rest and lunches, and several work and setup stations for prepping larger models.

Kress Creek Farms Park (aka Manville Oaks)

This is our secondary field, mostly used for smaller park flyers and sailplanes. The park is part of the West Chicago Park District. We-Go Parks insists on electric models only at this park because it is lined with residences.

Fields Other Than Ours

Naperville Yard Indoor Flying Venue

Wednesdays 11:00 until 14:30
1607 Legacy Circle, Naperville
150 ft by 105 ft with 45 ft ceiling height
Cost: $10

Check out their web site for more details about the facility.