Suburban RC Barnstormers
Membership Application/Renewal
Annual dues:

Full dues are owed from January 1st through July 31st. New members joining after July 31 owe 1/2 the annual rate.

Date: ____________________    Amount Paid: _______________

Name: _______________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________________________________

State: _________________________   Zip Code: _______________________

Phone: _____________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________

AMA Number: _________________  FAA Number: _________________

Application Type: Regular ____  Senior ____  Junior ____  Family ____

  (additional family member names on back)

I am interested in flight training: Yes ____   No ____

New members -- name on badge: ________________________________

Existing members -- new information on this form: Yes ____   No ____

[NOTE: Confirmation of age may be required for Senior and Junior

I agree to accept and abide by the AMA, FAA, and Forest Preserve
District of DuPage County rules and regulations concerning the
handling and flying of my model aircraft.

Signature _________________________________________

Membership applications can be brought to a club meeting.

NOTE: A family membership is only sent a single copy of The Transmitter.